If any of your students are interested in experiencing real scientific research, mention Earthwatch to them. Earthwatch has been around for decades now. Its premise is to provide scientists working in the field with young assistants to perform tasks that are age appropriate. The work conducted can be similar to what would be expected from a graduate student. It may involve data collection and/or strenuous activity depending on the site. Earthwatch offers one to two week expeditions in field work ranging from archeological digs in the Middle East to marine biological research in the Galapagos Islands.
Below are some other examples of expeditions-
Climate Change at the Arctic Edge
Conserving Threatened Rhinos in South Africa
Unearthing Ancient History in Tuscany
Killer Whales and their Prey in Iceland
If you are currently working with or know of an adolescents with a passion for science, Earthwatch may provide them with the experience they are looking for. Please visit Earthwatch for more information. You can also refer your family directly to myself, Oakes Hunnewell, at oakes@hunnewelled.com, or Chris Overbye at chris@hunnewelled.com. We would be happy to answer any questions they may have about this or any other program relating to teens and/or young adults. We also invite you to visit our "About us" page.

Until you stop working with Mormon child abusers like Sunrise and Evoke we will encourage people to boycott your business.
We will continue to fight the good fight against Mormon RTCs and Wilderness programs. People with such bizarre, bigoted, and disproven beliefs shouldn’t be “helping” children.
Shame on you!