Dear Sophomores and Juniors,
Thanksgiving is almost upon us. I hope that you have some fun plans with friends and/or relatives. At this point, I am meeting with each one of you individually to build your resumes. If you haven’t heard from me yet, I will be making my rounds so expect an email/text.
Also, right about now until January is a good time to think about summer enrichment and exploration programs to make the most of your summers, if you are interested. Summer is a time for fun and exploration. If you have academic, volunteer and/or career related interests, you should start making plans. Many programs have application deadlines. Depending on how competitive they are, these deadlines could be just around the corner. Most, however, have deadlines that are a few months away. It doesn’t hurt to plan, however. Below is a list of programs/internships with some links that may be of interest to you. Please don’t feel obligated to enroll in a program or internship. These are enrichment opportunities. Most are fee based. However, some are free and even offer stipends. As you can imagine, the ones with stipends tend to be the most competitive. Please keep in mind that there are many other programs out there. However, many on the list below have either been vetted by former students of mine or have reputations that precede them.
MA State House Student Government Day- - no fee
US Senate Page Program- no fee
Junior Statesmen of America- - fee
Ladder Internships- fee
National Institute of Standards and Technology- - no fee
Mitre- - paid positions
Intern Abroad- – Fee
Foreign Policy Research Institute- - no fee
Bank of America- - paid position
Summer@Brown- - fee
Fidelity Boundless- Boundless | Fidelity Asset Management | Fidelity Careers -open to women- paid position
Babson Entrepreneurial summer program- - on-line- fee
Amherst College Summer Great Books program- - fee
Embry Riddle Summer Aerospace program- - fee
RISD Summer program- - fee
Boston University Summer- - fee for some/no fee/stipend
Boston College Global Leadership Institute- - fee
Wolfeboro Camp School- - fee
Where There Be Dragons- - fee
Projects Abroad- - fee
Overland Summer Travel- - fee
Volunteer World- - fee
Energy Mag- - no fee
Earthwatch Institute- Homepage | (Dev) Earthwatch – fee
National Parks Service- - volunteer and paid positions
High Mountain Institute- Summer | High Mountain Institute ( - fee
Please also consider the following-
1. Volunteer opportunities in your community
2. Employment over the summer. Working for a paycheck is good experience. It requires independence and responsibility.
3. Please also consult with your own personal networks (ie. Friends, relatives and colleagues) for possible internships and other summer opportunities.
We can explore other opportunities as well. I will reach out to you individually to meet and discuss. Please also feel free to schedule an appointment by clicking on the Calendly link here or at the bottom of this email.
All the best,
Oakes Hunnewell, M.Ed.
Founder and Partner
Hunnewell Education Group, LLC
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